Organizations: Civic Groups & Non-Profits
Serving Our Communities
Promoting & Encouraging Causes
Civic Groups and Non-Profit organizations use decorated items to promote their group and encourage involvement in their cause. They are some of our loyal, repeat customers. Many of these customers run their events annually, and require minor updating of their design or logo to make each year unique.

Civic Groups: Police, Fire Departments and EMTs
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Jackets and Collared shirts are often used for identification for civic Groups.
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Collared shirts are used for identification during department training sessions, or when they are out on calls.
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Collared shirts are used for identification when hosting events like Open Houses or taking part in school assemblies.
For volunteer departments like Volunteer Fire Departments, shirts given to members can also be used as a way of saying, “Thank you” for their volunteer efforts.

Non-Profit Organizations: National & Local
Popular events like golf tournaments, and running events such as 5K walks/runs are used to raise money. Frequently T-shirts are used both as an incentive to participate in the event, as well as to publicize it. Many of these customers run their events annually, and require minor updating of their design or logo to make each year unique.
National Organizations
Local chapters such as the Chamber of Commerce, America Cancer Society, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Red Cross and others sponsor annual events as fund-raisers. Relay for Life events are sponsored by several organizations.
Youth Organizations
Churches, schools, and national organizations sponsored youth groups like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and The National Charity League. Shirts are used to promote group identity, identify members at events, and promote pride in their organization and causes they support.
Local Non-Profit Groups
Local non-profit groups like Garden Clubs, Animal Rescue Organizations and Library Reading Groups also use imprinted items like shirts or aprons to identify members at their sponsored events.