Customer Online Stores:
Consultation time to prepare an online store
can be achieved in as little as an hour.
Customer Online Stores
We Love Working Face to Face with Our Customers.
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Creating a customer online web store is a simple means for an organization’s members to view and purchase items. We do not charge our customers to create an online store. Online stores have proven to be an efficient and successful tool for both us and our customers.

How to Set Up Your Online Web Store
Selection of Items
Styles of garments and popular items such as magnets, bags, backpacks, cinch bags, lanyards, and water bottles need to be chosen.
- We can create a custom logo, use a supplied design or an existing customer logo, and edit designs.
- Once the design choice is complete, the entire design or parts of a design can be used on the chosen garments and items in the store.
- We often recommend using the design concept in some form on all products being offered. It helps to create a branding recognition.
- Designs can be approved personally or through emailed PDF files.
Design Location on Items
The selected designs will be placed digitally onto the online products for a final approval before launching the store.
- This is determined by the cost of the goods, the design being used (one or multi-colored), the number of design locations on a garment, and adding personalization of a name and/or number.
- We set up a spreadsheet listing each item, item’s color, the method of printing, available sizes, our price, and a column (if wanted) to add an amount to one or all items that goes to the organization.
- The totals of these items combined create the store price.
Store Content
With your input this includes the opening and closing dates of the store, some simple instructions, and states the delivery date and method.
Creating the Store
- Garments with logos approved
- Pricing Set
- Opening & Closing Dates Set
Store is ready to create
Link to Your Online Store
Link is created once the store is completed.
- Store will be reviewed in person or on the phone with the organization's representative before activating the store.
Once store is approved the representative may send out to the organization.
Optional Online Flyer
- An online flyer may be created and emailed to the representative of the organization.
- The flyer would include garment images, open and close dates, and delivery details
- Once approved the store will be activated .
- The flyer is a PDF document which can be e-mailed to members of the group.
Usually picked up by the group representative, can be picked up individually at our shop, or can be shipped (shipping cost is charged at the time on the online purchase).
All orders are individually bagged with the packing slip generated from their online order. The organization’s representative will be provided with a complete order list.
Visit Us Today To Create Your Online Store
Easy & Efficient for you and us.